Only English letters and/or numbers are allowed for password characters and passwords must have a minimum length of 6 characters.
Please use your institutional email for registration if you want to be able to create datasets. Users registered with private email addresses won't be given the privilege to create datasets.
Dataset Upload Terms of Service
In order to have dataset ownership privileges, you must have Principal Investigator status or equivalent at your institution. Further, you attest that you have permission to upload the data set to this cloud server from your institution. We will confirm the user, their institution and email address before granting permission.
By uploading this dataset to Boston University’s BIDS-fNIRS repository, I agree to the following terms and conditions:
I am the owner of the scans, images and data (together, “data”) that I have uploaded and have all necessary IRB and/or ethics permissions to share the data publicly.
This dataset does not include any individually identifiable personal information, including names, zip codes, dates of birth, acquisition month and date and any other personal identifiers listed
I agree that the data will become publicly available under a Creative Commons CC0 License after a grace period of 36 months counted from the date this dataset was created. You will be able to apply for up to two 12 month extensions to increase the grace period in case the publication of a corresponding paper takes longer than expected. Once the data becomes publicly available, our BIDS-fNIRS server may automatically upload the data to the OpenNeuro database, and you hereby authorize us to upload the data to the OpenNeuro database at that time.
I represent that the data is not subject to data protection laws or regulations of the European Union, United Kingdom, China, Hong Kong, Brazil, or South Africa.
I agree to maintain a duplicate set of the data I upload to BIDS-fNIRS. I understand that Boston University makes no warranty, guarantee, or promise relating to the BIDS-fNIRS repository and will not be responsible for any loss or breach of the data.
I understand that Boston University may terminate BIDS-fNIRS at any time for any reason and may delete all the data in the BIDS-fNIRS repository at that time.
Please affirm one of the following:
You are not uploading structural scans of research participants.
If you are uploading structural scans, you have either (i) defaced the scans, obscuring any tissue on or near the face that could potentially be used to reconstruct the facial structure, or (ii) obtained explicit participant consent and ethical authorization to publish structural scans without defacing.
Dataset Download Terms of Service
Boston University (“Provider”) provides and manages the BIDS-fNIRS repository (“Repository” or “Services”). By downloading this dataset from the Repository, I agree to the following terms and conditions:
I will use the scans, images, and data accessed through the Services (together, “Data”) in compliance with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations.
I will not use the Data, either alone or in concert with any other information, to make any effort to identify or contact individuals who are or may be the sources of the Data. Should I inadvertently receive identifiable information, including those listed here[MKA1] , or otherwise identify a subject, I shall promptly notify Provider and follow Provider’s reasonable written instructions, which may include return or destruction of the identifiable information.
I agree to retain control over the Data and shall not disclose, release, sell, rent, lease, loan, or otherwise grant access to the Data or to any third party.
Provider makes no warranty, guarantee, or promise relating to the Services. For example, and without limitation, Provider makes no representations or commitments regarding the Data, including any implied warranty that the Data does not infringe any third-party intellectual property right. PROVIDER PROVIDES THE SERVICES ON AN “AS IS” AND “AS AVAILABLE” BASIS.
The Repository may be unavailable from time to time. While Provider’s goal is to keep the Repository up and running, all online services suffer occasional disruptions and outages, and Provider is not liable for any disruption or loss you may suffer as a result. [GJ2]